Loose or granulated fodder for egg laying hens?

Feeding mixtures with various structures are available on the market, each with its own advantages. We will explain these to you in the following text and it will be up to you to decide whether granulated or loose form will suit you better.

Loose and granulated feeding mixtures for egg laying hens are available. Although their ingredients and nutrient content do not differ, the use is different, not only because they are sold at different prices (granulated mixtures are more difficult to produce and the granulation process consumes significant amounts of energy).

Loose fodder is given to egg laying hens in small farming operations. It is essential that the mixture is not only a mixture of fine groats. Feeding mixtures for egg laying hens with high content of coarsely ground grains (as these have a positive effect on the production of digestive enzymes) are ideal, as hens consume these dry mixtures without any problems. The finely ground component containing valuable nutrients the hens may leave in the feeder may be mixed with moist mixture. The possibility of individual fodder components separating is a disadvantage of loose mixtures.

On the other hand, granulated mixtures are more homogeneous, usually with minimal amount of dust or small particles (poultry finds these difficult to consume).

The animals are forced to consume the complete fodder in granules and the consumption is faster. Therefore, poultry is capable of consuming greater amounts of fodder during the day (granules are therefore better for poultry kept for fattening).

The use of granulated mixtures for egg laying hens is suitable during the initial egg laying stage (20th - 30th week), when the hens have greater nutritional demands due to the end of development and commencement of egg production. However, granulated mixtures may lead to undesirable fattening of hens if given to the animals at later stages (however, this depends on the dose).

Therefore, giving granulated feeding mixture from the 20th to the 30th week and then switching to coarsely ground feeding mixtures is ideal for egg laying hens.